Master Your Destiny: 11 Incredible Things You Didn’t Know About This Empowering Training

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Unlock the secrets to success and learn how to Master Your Destiny with the Real World University.

Our comprehensive online business courses provide the essential tools and knowledge you need to take firm control of your future. Whether you’re starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to elevate your skills, this article unveils 11 remarkable aspects of our exclusive ‘Master Your Destiny’ training program. Join us to shape your destiny and achieve your dreams with confidence and purpose.

Hustler’s University underwent a transformation and rebranding in late 2022, resulting in the creation of a new iteration called ‘The Real World’ (which has been reviewed here).

Master Your Destiny 11 Incredible Things You Didn't Know About This Empowering Training


🚩 Overview: This training program combines different courses by Andrew Tate, all focused on teaching various ways to make money online.

💰 Cost: It’s priced at $49.99 per month (you can join now for more details).

😍 Advantages: There are no extra charges for certain courses, it covers a wide range of topics, and many students have shared their success stories.

😩 Disadvantages: Refunds are not available, some people find the training a bit disorganized, and there’s a lot of controversy associated with Andrew Tate.

  ℹ   Verdict: If you’re a fan of Andrew Tate and want to learn about any of the subjects covered in these courses, it could be a worthwhile choice.

Friendly Reminder: dear reader! Just a heads-up: some of the links in this post are affiliate links. What does this mean? Well, if you click on one of these links and decide to make a purchase, I might earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. It’s a simple way to support the blog and keep the good stuff coming your way! Thanks for your understanding and happy reading! 🌟

Master Your Destiny: 11 Incredible Things You Didn’t Know About This Empowering Training

1- Looking for the Best Online Business Course to Inspire Your Needs?

Master Your Destiny Looking for the Best Online Business Course to Inspire Your Needs?

We’re on a mission to find the top courses that can help you make money online and inspire your needs. We do a lot of research and listen to real students to find the very best ones. Our goal is to help you master your destiny in the online business world, and we believe the right course can make all the difference. So, stick with us as we explore and pick out the best courses to set you on the path to success and fulfill your needs. Your digital destiny is waiting!

2- Who can benefit from Real World University?

Master Your Destiny Who can benefit from Real World University?

Real World University, founded by Andrew Tate, is designed to help people from all backgrounds learn how to make money online.

It offers practical advice and resources for anyone, anywhere, who wants to get rich through various fields. There’s no unnecessary jargon or fluff – just straightforward lessons on money-making. You’ll find a wealth of resources and detailed lesson plans to kickstart your journey towards wealth creation. It all begins with you making your first income today, as mentioned on the course information page.

While the training does cater to a wide audience, it’s important to note that expecting to make money on the very first day might be unrealistic, especially if you’re new to business and entrepreneurship.

In essence, Real World University is primarily targeted toward fans of Andrew Tate who are willing to invest $50 per month for a comprehensive introduction to various online money-making strategies.

3- Is Andrew Tate well-liked by people?

 Real World University is seen as somewhat controversial, mainly because Andrew Tate himself is known for being quite controversial.

Some well-known YouTubers have criticized Andrew Tate for the controversial things he’s said and what he’s allegedly done in the past. These individuals have taken issue with his statements and actions.

There’s also an article in The Guardian titled Inside the violent, misogynistic world of TikTok’s new star, Andrew Tate,which discusses these issues in detail, shedding light on some concerning aspects.

Master Your Destiny Is Andrew Tate well-liked by people?

But despite these criticisms, Andrew Tate has gathered a large following online. When I looked into it, I found that more people have positive things to say about him and his online courses than negative. They highlight the value they’ve gained from his teachings.

Still, some of that praise doesn’t seem entirely genuine. It’s important to consider different perspectives and do thorough research before forming an opinion.

4- Are students in the Real World seeing improvements?

Despite the controversy, it’s quite simple to discover students from Real World sharing their achievements across all locations.

You can also find reviews on the course information page, but they don’t provide strong evidence. Most of these reviews praise the course in general, with only a few believable success stories.

However, many students have reported earnings that far exceed the cost of the course, leading me to believe that the training is effective for those who consistently invest effort.

While there may be skeptics, it’s undeniable that Real World has produced tangible results for its dedicated learners. These results encompass various aspects of life, from financial gains to personal growth.

Master Your Destiny Are students in Real World seeing improvements?

Some critics argue that the testimonials lack depth, often showcasing overly enthusiastic but vague endorsements. Yet, amidst the mixed feedback, numerous students have experienced substantial financial returns, surpassing the course’s initial investment.

This suggests that, despite the controversy surrounding the Real World, those who commit to the program and apply themselves consistently can significantly benefit. The key takeaway is that real-world results are achievable through diligent effort within this training program.

5- How much does Real World Training cost?

Master Your Destiny How much does Real World Training cost?

The price for Real World Training is $49.99 per month.

If you stay in the course for a full 24 months, and the price stays the same during that time, you’ll spend a total of $1,176 on the training.

You can cancel your membership at any time.

Additional costs for some of the programs are listed in various places on the course’s Discord threads.

Is there a discount for Real World Training?

I’ve looked everywhere for a discount or coupon code, but I haven’t found any mention of one, and there’s no option to enter a discount code when you check out for Real World Training.

I’m sorry, but it’s full price, and there are no discounts available.

Refund Policy

Real World Training does not offer refunds.

You can only cancel your subscription, but make sure to do it before your membership is renewed for another month.

For example, if you paid $50 to join on May 1st and then canceled it on May 2nd, you would be removed from Discord on May 31st. Alternatively, you could join on May 1st and cancel it on May 31st, and you would be removed on May 31st.

6- How is Real World University structured?

The course is hosted entirely on Discord, a popular social chat platform.

Real World University is divided into different sections, like different parts of a school. Each section has its own Discord group.

Master Your Destiny How is Real World University structured?

When you begin following the first steps, you’ll need to choose one of these options:

If you have lots of time but not much money (Time Rich – Cash Poor): You have more than 28 available hours per week but less than $5000 to invest.

If you have limited time and not much money (Time Poor – Cash Poor): You have less than 28 available hours per week and less than $5000 to invest.

If you have limited time but more money (Time Poor – Cash Rich): You have less than 28 available hours per week but more than $5000 to invest.

If you have lots of time and more money (Time Rich – Cash Rich): You have more than 28 available hours per week and more than $5000 to invest.

No matter where you start, the course promises to help you reach the final quadrant for success 💰😎

The main issue with this training on Discord is Discord itself.

While Discord is a good platform overall, in my opinion, it might not be the best choice for a course like this. The different sections seem disorganized, and it appears that different people are in charge of each section, leading to inconsistent setups.

For example, the Copywriting section lays out most lessons smoothly and only requires a quiz to advance to the next level. However, the Stocks section requires you to take a small quiz after each lesson. Since there are many of these quizzes, it can become tiresome for students quite quickly.

Additionally, the quality of the training appears to differ from section to section…

7 – What do you get in $49 Real World Course Bundle Worth $5,000

Real World offers a range of courses designed to help you make money on the Internet. When you become a member of Real-World University, you gain access to various courses, or “campuses,” in order of how popular they are:

Master Your Destiny What do you get in $49 Real World Course Bundle Worth $5,000
  • SSS Academy

SSS Academy (Sales, Seduction, and Social Skills) is like the exciting beginning of our school. It’s a place where you can learn many important things about selling, making friends, earning money, and starting your own business.

People like it because they teach you things you can use in everyday life. Many people who learned from Real World Academy have gone on to start and grow their businesses. So, if you join us, you’ll learn the skills you need to be a successful business owner too!

  • Only Fans Fortune

This program teaches you how to earn $10,000 every month by working just 30 minutes a day. It’s designed for guys who want to succeed in the OnlyFans business and for girls looking to make extra money.

OnlyFans Fortunes offers exclusive lessons from some of the smartest individuals who rank among the top 3% of creators on the platform. They’re among the best globally, and they’re sharing their valuable insights from the Real World with you!

  • Million Dollar Webcam Business

Andrew Tate is good at making friends with important people everywhere. This includes movie stars, leaders, news reporters, online video creators, business people, and even Donald Trump Jr.!

You might think big companies and governments are complicated. But they’re just groups of people chatting. And guess what? When these important people talk in the Real World, it’s a big deal!

  • Network Brilliance

Andrew Tate knows how to make friends with important people everywhere. These can be actors, leaders, news reporters, online video creators, business people, and even folks like Donald Trump Jr.!

You might see governments and big companies as very fancy, but they’re just groups of people chatting. And guess what? When these important people chat in the Real World, it’s a big deal!

  • E-commerce and Crypto

First, for online selling, you’ll learn about branding (making your items look attractive), using Facebook to promote your products, avoiding errors, picking products to sell, starting your online shop, and setting up ads to attract customers fast.

When it comes to digital money (cryptocurrency), you’ll learn all the strategies that folks use to earn $30,000 every month in the Real World. It’s like discovering money magic tricks!

  • Copywriting and Freelancing

Andrew Tate’s Copywriting Course is all about teaching you how to write in a way that convinces and motivates people to take action. This action could be anything from buying something, signing up for a newsletter, or clicking on a link. Copywriting is a skill that can help you reach your goals on the internet.

But here’s the thing, copywriting isn’t just for marketers or salespeople. It’s a skill that can make you more money online, no matter what you’re into. You can use copywriting to tell your story, show what you’re good at, build your brand, or get more clients or customers.

The cool thing about copywriting is that it can be used in lots of different ways. You can pick the type of writing that interests you the most, like emails, websites, articles, blogs, and more. It’s a versatile skill that you can apply in many different fields.

The Real World Copywriting School is great because it teaches through video lessons that make everything clear. Most of these lessons also have extra stuff like helpful online tools and PDF files. The information is solid and easy to understand.

  • Fitness Program

Andrew Tate’s Fitness Program is a unique plan designed to help people improve their health and strength. Whether you aim to shed some pounds, gain muscle, or simply feel better, this program has you covered.

Within this program, you’ll engage in various activities such as strength training, quick movements, and proper nutrition. It’s like having a coach in the Real World who guides you to achieve your health goals.

  • Body Language

The Real World Body Language Program teaches you about the ways people communicate without speaking. It’s a hidden way to understand each other without saying a word.

People have been using body language for ages! The cool part is, it can influence what others think of you, even before you speak. So, it’s like gaining a special skill to make a good impression!

  • Iron Mind Program

Andrew Tate’s Iron Mind program is like a special class to help people improve their thoughts and emotions. It’s all about conquering challenges in your mind, achieving success, and leading a joyful life.

In this Real World class, the focus is on strengthening your mind. They show you practical techniques to help you achieve your dreams and be the best version of yourself. It’s like giving your mind a boost!

  • How To Be A G

You might have seen the term ‘G’ on social media, but living life on your terms goes beyond that. It’s crucial as it allows you to truly be yourself, form strong friendships, and feel valued in the real world.

Rather than settling for an average life with mediocre relationships and unenjoyable work, you can opt for a genuinely amazing life. It can be filled with joy, liberty, and exciting experiences that uplift your spirit!

  • Tristan Tate God Mode

This guide is like a roadmap for the real world, showing you how to befriend new girls and make them fond of you. It covers topics such as expanding your circle of friends through existing connections and meeting girls from different parts of the world.

You’ll also discover where to find truly beautiful girls and get tips on dating multiple girls at once. Plus, you’ll learn how to enjoy memorable times with two girls simultaneously. It’s like cracking the code to building friendships and having a great time!

  • PHD Program

Andrew Tate’s PhD program offers insights like a comprehensive guide to quickly win over girls in the Real World. It doesn’t just focus on the usual mistakes people make. Instead, it provides practical advice, easy-to-follow tips, and effective strategies to enhance your interactions and form lasting friendships with girls. Think of it as your extended manual for building genuine connections in the Real World!

  • Master Chess

Andrew Tate’s Real World Master Chess Course is an online class designed for anyone who wants to learn and master the game of chess. From understanding the basic moves to diving deep into advanced tactics and strategies, this course offers comprehensive guidance. As you progress through the lessons, you’ll find yourself becoming better, gaining confidence in your gameplay, and being ready to compete with other chess lovers. Think of this course as your step-by-step manual to becoming a top-notch chess player.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn from several different teachers and instructors within the program, including Andrew Tate himself. According to the information on their sales page, all of the professors have earned over $1 million in profits by using the methods they teach in the Real World.

8– Green Lights 🟢

Some good things about the Real World:

  • Many students do well.
  • There’s a busy private group.
  • The lessons are easy to follow.
  • It includes many courses and topics.
  • It’s affordable to start.

9– Red Flags 🚩

Be cautious about the Real World:

  • There’s so much information that it can be hard to understand and navigate.
  • No money back.
  • Andrew Tate has some concerning past issues.
  • The sales page doesn’t talk about any additional costs beyond the training price.
  • They say e-commerce is a simple way to earn money online.

10– Things to Know

  • Even though there’s a lot of buzz about this course, when you look inside, it’s clear that it’s not a way to get rich fast. They talk a lot about working hard to see results. There are a few folks inside who say it’s easy, but they’re not the majority.
  • Some people, especially on Reddit, say that there are free courses out there that teach more, even if they don’t talk about as many topics.
  • A challenge with this course is that there’s a lot to take in. It can be easy to get side-tracked and jump from one interesting thing to another. If you’re new to online business, I’d recommend starting with the Freelance and Copywriting sections. If you learn well there, you can make some good money in the next weeks and months. Once you’ve got that down, then you can explore the other sections using what you’ve learned.

11– Should you join Real World?

If you’re a big fan of Andrew Tate and want to learn from him and his friends, then Real World might be a good choice for you. You can expect to discover useful tips, methods, and guidance within the training and exclusive group.

If you’re unsure, giving it a try for a month costs only $50, which is a good deal compared to many other courses we’ve looked at.

But, if you don’t appreciate Andrew Tate’s style, it might be best to steer clear of the Real World.

If you’re still interested in the topics covered by the course, I’d suggest starting with affordable courses, like those on Udemy, to see if they’re right for you.


🚩 Overview: This training program combines different courses by Andrew Tate, all focused on teaching various ways to make money online.

💰 Cost: It’s priced at $49.99 per month (you can join now for more details).

😍 Advantages: There are no extra charges for certain courses, it covers a wide range of topics, and many students have shared their success stories.

😩 Disadvantages: Refunds are not available, some people find the training a bit disorganized, and there’s a lot of controversy associated with Andrew Tate.

  ℹ   Verdict: If you’re a fan of Andrew Tate and want to learn about any of the subjects covered in these courses, it could be a worthwhile choice.


Diving into Master Your Destiny: 11 Incredible Things You Didn’t Know About This Empowering Training” has been quite an enlightening journey, shedding light on the many aspects of Real-World University. The training promises to empower and offer tools for personal and professional growth. It’s not just about if people like Andrew Tate or not; it’s more about the true value and results the courses offer. Is the training worth the money? Does it fit your needs? With both “Green Lights 🟢” indicating the positives and “Red Flags 🚩” pointing out the areas of caution, the decision to join becomes clearer. The post also offers insights into special deals like the $49 bundle, which seems to promise a lot. When mulling over the idea of enrolling, consider all the facets discussed in this post. With all this information in hand, you’re in a better position to determine if Real World University is the right step toward mastering your destiny.